Friday, October 17, 2014

B'day Special: 10 facts to know about Narendra Modi, the new PM of India

Raj Singh [ Updated 17 Sep 2014, 08:38:49 ]
B'day Special: 10 facts to know about Narendra Modi, the new PM of India
New Delhi: So Narendra Modi is the new  Prime Minister of India.

Narendra Modi is both an ‘enigma’ and an ‘open book’ for his supporters as well as his detractors.

Nobody can explain what exactly makes him so popular among hoi-polloi.  At the same time, he is widely known as a person who wears his heart on his sleeves.

Even his opponents admire him for his bold and fearless stand on sensitive issues that can dent his carefully crafted image of a no-nonsense man.

DON'T MISS: Rare pics of Narendra Modi, India’s 15th Prime Minister

No other Chief Minister in India evokes as much hatred as Narendra Modi but at the same time no other Chief Minister commands as much respect as Narendra Modi.

The hatred for Modi is community specific but he is admired across communities and his popularity transcends  all barriers of caste, community and religion.

Let’s have a look at some of the little known facts relating to Narendra Modi who is positioning himself as a serious contender for Indian polity's most sought after 'hot seat' in  2014 general elections:

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